26 Bikram Yoga Poses And Its Benefits!

We are all aware that there are different types and variations of the yoga practice. Thus, it is important to familiarize ourselves with these various classifications so that we will be able to choose which yoga program is best for us and will target our specific and individual needs. One of this program is known as Bikram yoga / hot yoga. Bikram yoga is not a branch of yoga in itself, but rather, it is a set of 26 specific Bikram yoga poses / asanas (also referred to as postures in the yoga world).

These 26 Bikram yoga poses should be performed in a particular sequence and done in a pre-heated environment under the temperature of 100 °F.

What is Bikram Yoga?

As we said earlier, Bikram yoga is a series of sequence done in a controlled heated environment. The whole Bikram yoga exercise will take about 90 minutes long and should be done every day for best results. Though it can sound time-consuming and require a great effort from you because you have to do it regular practice, the different Bikram yoga postures claim that it will keep you healthy in exchange for your time and effort.

Bikram yoga poses

The name Bikram yoga has coined from Bikram Choudhury, a yoga instructor who started giving out his classes as early as 20 years old. He wrote a book – Bikram’s Beginning Yoga Class – where he illustrated his thoughts at how yoga can be used to achieve its optimum benefit. From then on, he demanded that anyone who gives classes using his yoga style should obtain a license from him. Thus, in 2002, a court in the US bestowed him this right and from there the Bikram Yoga style flourished.

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Bikram Yoga Poses

The name Bikram yoga has coined from Bikram Choudhury, a yoga instructor who started giving out his classes as early as 20 years old. He wrote a book – Bikram’s Beginning Yoga Class – where he illustrated his thoughts at how yoga sequence can be used to achieve its optimum benefit. From then on, he demanded that anyone who gives classes using his styles of yoga should obtain a license from him. Thus, in 2002, a court in the US bestowed him this right and from there the Bikram Yoga style flourished.

Bikram Yoga Poses

1. Standing deep breathing pose (Pranayama Series)

The pranayama series is the first of the Bikram yoga postures. It is done to warm up your entire body before doing the whole set of bikram yoga london session. This breathing exercise entails deep and forceful inhalation and exhalation of breath. One of the best Bikram Yoga Poses that can help your spinal cord. 

2. Half-moon pose and hands to feet (Ardha-Chandrasana)

It strengthens every muscle in your core – specifically the ones in the abdomen. It also increases the flexibility of your spine and promotes an improved kidney function, liver and spleen.

3. Awkward pose (Utkatasana)

It continues to warm up your body for all other Bikram yoga postures. It provides excellent blood circulation to your knees and ankles.

4. Eagle pose (Garurasana)

The Eagle pose is a preparation for the following three poses and improves your sense of balance, and hip joint mobility. The Eagle Pose is a yoga posture that helps to open up the largest joints in the skeletal system.

5. Standing head to knee pose (Janushirasana)

It uses all the main muscle groups in your upper body and improves both concentration and mental strength by unifying the body and the mind.

6. Standing bow pulling pose (Dhanurasana)

It facilitates better circulation by moving all the fresh blood from one side of your body to the other side, and vice versa.

7. Balancing stick pose (Tuladandasana)

It completely relieves your spine from any stress and increases cardiovascular circulation, specifically the blood flow towards the blood vessels of your heart muscles.

8. Standing separate leg stretching pose (Bibhaktapada)

The 8th Bikram yoga postures enhance the function of most of your internal abdominal organs including the small and large intestines.

9. Triangle Pose (Trikonasana)

The triangle pose improves every single leg muscle, bone, joint, tendon, and internal organ of your body as much as it revitalizes your nerves, tissues and veins.

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10. Standing separate leg head to knee pose (Janushirasana)

This particular posture trims down your abdomen, hips, waistline, buttocks and upper thighs for a healthier and slimmer you. It also helps in the regulation of your metabolism and immune system.

11. Tree pose (Tadasana)

Tadasana increases the hip flexibility of your ankles, knees and hip joints . It also improves your body posture and balance as well as strengthens your internal oblique muscles.

12. Toe Stand Pose (Pandangustasana)

It strengthens the knees and a good pose for people with rheumatism on their knees, ankles and feet. It also improves and develops mental strength.

13. Dead body pose (Savasana)

Playing dead helps facilitate a great blood flow and return it back to normal circulation creating an internal cleansing and increasing the benefits of the posture that comes after it.

14. Wind removing pose (Pavanamuktasana)

It massages the colon improves digestive health. It also makes your arms stronger, enhances the flexibility of the hip and prevents flatulence.

15. Sit-up

It stretches your spine and increases flexibility just like the half-moon. It works on your tendons, muscles and ligaments and improves circulation too.

16. Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)

Cobra pose strengthens your lumbar spine. It relieves pain brought about by certain issues such as arthritis, scoliosis, herniated or slipped disc on the spine area.

17. Locust Pose (Salabhasana)

It strengthens the upper part of the spine and also helps treat with varicose veins on your legs.

18. Full Locust Pose (Poorna-Salabhasana)

The full locust pose is one of the Bikram yoga postures which firm your abdominal muscles, hips and thighs. The kit also increases the strength of your central spine making it an excellent treatment for scoliosis, spondylosis, kyphosis and slipped discs.

19. Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)

Bow pose allows your lungs to expand more fully by opening your rib cage. It also helps in dealing with different back problems and improves digestion, combats diabetes and bronchitis, as well as improve the functions of your intestines, liver, kidneys and spleen.

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20. Fixed Firm Pose (Supta-Vajrasana)

This posture strengthens your hips, lower spine, knees and ankle joints and improves their flexibility too. It is therapeutic for those with lower back pain, varicose veins, sciatica, sciatic nerve and rheumatism.

21. Half-Tortoise Pose (Ardha-Kurmasana)

The half tortoise pose can help us live longer. It increases blood pressure to your brain and enhances your memory and mental clarity.

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22. Camel Pose (Ustrasana)

It stimulates the nervous system by maximum compression of the spine, and also improves the flexibility of the neck and spine.

23. Rabbit pose (Sasangasana)

Rabbit pose relieves tension on your neck, shoulders and back. It increases the mobility and elasticity of spine too by extending it to its maximum level.

24. Head to Knee Pose (Paschimotthanasana)

It is best for people with allergies and arthritis. It also improves bowel circulation, thus, relieving chronic diarrhea.

25. Spine twisting pose (Ardha-Matsyendrasana)

Spine twisting is the only single posture which turns your spine from top to bottom increasing circulation on all spinal nerves, tissues, and veins. It also enhances the elasticity of the spine.

26. Blowing in Firm Pose (Khapalbhati)

It increases your lung elasticity with every forceful exhale you take. You generate prana and let out every ounce of carbon dioxide in your body, replacing it with enough oxygen.

Tags: bikramyoga, fitness, flexibility, health, healthy life, hotyoga, stress relief, yoga

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