Top 10 Benefits Of Onion Juice For Hair Growth Faster 2023

Does onion juice for hair growth work? That’s one of the most common hair loss remedies that is currently circulating on the internet nowadays. The use of onion juice for hair regrowth fascinates a lot of people, and everyone wants to jump in on the bandwagon to try this natural remedy. Listed here how does onion benefit you for hair regrowth?

No one wants hair loss, so, how to prevent hair loss without any chemical / cosmetics? There are good number of ways but yet it is an unprecedented problem that many people of all ages, races and gender have to face at some point in their lives. Due to the increasing numbers of individuals suffering from hair loss, experts are trying to make better alternatives to help them regrow their locks. In this case, a study from Bradford University in the United Kingdom found that onion is indeed an excellent choice to help hair thinning and graying.

Many people believe that onion juice is indeed an important aspect for your hair, and we also provided you a list proving the truth behind this hair growth phenomenon due to onion juice.

Onion For Hair

Onion Juice For Hair Growth

Here are the advantages of onion juice for hair growth which will make you believe that it is indeed an excellent.

Onion oil hair growth is a Natural remedy for your hair to regain its thickness and health.

onion juice for hair growth
  1. Onions are good in improving blood circulation going to the scalp and hair follicles which will help hair to grow better and faster due to sufficient oxygenation.
  2. With its anti-bacterial properties, onions are an excellent choice for fighting off dandruff. Dandruff is not directly related to hair loss so to speak. However, it can cause itchiness and inflammation on your scalp which can lead to temporary hair loss. So prevention of dandruff through the use of onion is a good choice of treatment to treat both dandruff and in the long run hair loss, too.
  3. The use of onion juice for hair will add more volume. Though this will not ultimately make your hair grow faster, the added volume will bring more life to your head and give a thicker appearance.
  4. Lice will not live on your scalp and hair, only if you are using onions for treatment. The presence of lice makes your scalp feel itchy, leading to an unending battle between your fingernails and your scalp. When you continuously scratch your scalp, it damages your hair shaft and makes your hair brittle causing breakage. Despite not a direct total hair loss problem, the breakage of your hair will give you an appearance of thinning hair. On the contrary, if you get rid of lice first, you will enjoy an itch-free scalp which will make your hair grow better without any breakage.
  5. One of the benefits of onion for hair growth is to make it healthier and shinier. When used regularly, this new healthy hair will become a permanent trend resulting to a better, stronger, and thicker hair.
  6. Due to onion’s antioxidant properties, it will help prevent and reverse the effects of your hair’s premature graying. Darker hair colors give you a younger feeling and it will also give a healthy appearance, and there is no need to dye it to cover the graying continuously. Hair dyes may damage your hair and cause hair loss. Thus, onion application to your hair is beneficial for hair regrowth by preventing this hair loss.
  7. High in sulfur, this onion content will help reduce breakage and thinning of your hair which obviously will make your hair look fuller and thicker. Sulfur which is one of the building blocks of hair, as a matter of fact, is also a primary and principal component for your hair nutrition. Sulfur helps improve blood circulation which provides your hair follicles with its much-needed nutrients for nourishment.
  8. Onions have excellent antibacterial properties as we have said earlier. Due to these properties, onions are helpful in fighting off a lot of infections that may occur on your scalp. Scalp infections may cause massive hair loss, and this may result in a problem of balding.
  9. Onion juice for hair regrowth is also beneficial in a way that it helps restore nutrients on your scalp. With the aid of other ingredients such as honey as well as coconut or olive oils, you can create a great onion mixture which is very helpful and healthy for your hair.
  10. Using onions will help you prevent neck and head cancer too. Since cancers are usually leading causes of balding due to treatments, prevention of cancers are the best way to avoid hair loss and helping your hair grow better and naturally.
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How To Use Onion Benefit You For Hair Regrowth?

Onion juice hair growth is done through different methods depending on what you like the best.

1. Onion Juice With Honey


  • Gather all ingredients: ¼ cup fresh onion juice, 1 tbsp honey.
  • Mix all ingredients together and apply it on your scalp.
  • Massage your scalp gently for 15 minutes to help in the absorption of the mixture.
  • Rinse thoroughly with cold water.

2. Onion, Beer, And Olive Oil


  • Gather all ingredients: 1 small onion, 2 tbsp olive oil and 1 cup of beer.
  • Chop onion into smaller pieces and blend.
  • Add beer and olive oil to your blended onion till a paste is made. Apply this to your hair and let it stay for 1 to 2 hours.
  • Rinse well with regular shampoo.

3. Onion Juice With Coconut Oil


  • Gather all ingredients: 1tbsp fresh onion juice, 2 tbsp coconut oil, few drops of your personal choice of essential oil like castor oil, almond oil or may be gooseberry oil.
  • Mix the onion juice with coconut oil.
  • Add the essential oil to the mixture. Essential oils may be optional and you can forego putting it in your mixture, but it helps in the long way. However, this move is strongly recommended only for those who can bear with the strong odor of the onions.
  • Gently massage your scalp so that it absorbs this concoction. Let it stay for 1 to 2 hours. Rinse afterward using warm water and your regular shampoo.

If you do not want any of these mixtures, you may treat your hair with simple onion rinse. All you have to do is to chop 4-5 onions and add 1 liter of water to it. Bring to boil and allow the mixture to cool before straining. Clean your hair with water and mild shampoo the following day. Now use this strained water to rinse your hair after you shampoo.

Tags: hair growth, onion juice for hair growth, onion juice for hair loss

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